Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Sept. 23 - 25   Neuhaus

Jay and I went to Neuhaus, which is about an hour southeast of Munich, very near to the Alps.  Munich Re has their own property there with five buildings with rooms that employees can rent.  When you check in, they ask you what kind of breads you want in the morning and they are delivered outside your building the next morning and you go and pick up your bag of fresh breads. 

Fresh Breads
We had a relaxing weekend, where we did a little hiking and enjoyed time on the small lake.  There are row boats that you can borrow, so we rowed to a small island on the lake and had lunch at the restaurant there.   Of course we took turns rowing.  We also took a chair lift to the top of one of the mountains we skied at earlier this year and had a picnic lunch overlooking the Alps.  We played ping pong in the evening in a small recreation area at Neuhaus.  They also  have pool tables, racquetball courts and a sauna. 

On our way to the top of the mountain

On our way to town one day, traffic on the road was stopped because one of the local farmers was moving his cows from one field to the next, using the main road.  We had great weekend and the weather was great.   

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